P/N 202955

빔 프로파일링 카메라

제품군 주요 특징

USB 3.0 for the Fastest Transfer Rates

Up to 10X faster than regular USB 2.0 connections (also USB 2.0 compatible)

High Resolution

For accurate profile measurements of very small beams: 5.5 µm pixel pitch for the BEAMAGE-4M

Large Apertures

  • 11.3 x 11.3 mm for the BEAMAGE-4M and BEAMAGE-4M-IR
  • 20.5 x 20.5 mm for the BEAMAGE-4M-FOCUS

Available with IR Coating

The BEAMAGE-4M-IR cameras have a special phosphor coating for IR wavelengths (1495-1595 nm)

ISO Compliant

D4σ definition of diameter, centroid, ellipticity and orientation are ISO 11146:2004 and 11146:2005 compliant

Intuitive Software Interface

Easy to navigate interface, with many display and control features:

  • 2D, 3D and XY displays
  • Background subtraction function
  • Unique "animate" function
  • Gaussian fit
  • Semi-log graph

External Trigger

To synchronize the camera with a pulsed laser

Software development kit

A software development kit is available. Learn more about BEAMAGE-SDK.

호환 스탠드

관련 상품


  • B3-USB B3-USB

    Replacement USB3.0 cable for the Beamage cameras.


    Adaptor from USB-A to USB-C, for INTEGRA (USB) and BEAMAGE series.

  • Compliance certificate

  • SMA-BNC adaptor

  • Transport case

  • 소프트웨어 및 드라이버가 포함된 USB 드라이브

  • ND4.0 ND4.0

    SM1 스레드 적층 홀더의 ND 4.0 필터.

  • B3-SM1 B3-SM1

    C-마운트-SM1 어댑터

계측 성능

  • 스펙트럼 범위

    1495 - 1595 nm
  • 최소 계측가능 빔

    70 μm
  • 센서 기술

    CMOS(인광 코팅)
  • 픽셀 카운트

    4.2 MPixels
  • H x V

    2048 x 2048
  • 빔 지름 정의

    D4σ(ISO 규격)
    십자선을 따라 1/e2(13.5%)
    십자선을 따라 FWHM(50%)
    사용자 정의(%)
  • 셔터 유형

  • 프레임률

    6.2 fps @ 4.2 MPixels (Full Frame)
  • ADC 수준

  • RMS 노이즈

    1000:1 (60 dB)

손상 한계

  • 최대 파워 밀도1

    10 W/cm²
  • 최대 에너지 밀도2

    100 mJ/cm²
  • 최대 파워3

    1 W
    • 1. 1064nm. ND4 여과기.
    • 2. 1064nm, 10 ns. ND4 여과기.
    • 3. 1064nm. ND4 여과기.

물리적 특성

  • 치수

    61H x 81.1W x 19.7D mm
  • 중량

    0.14 kg
  • 픽셀 크기

    5.5 μm
  • 포함 필터

  • 활성 영역

    11.3 x11.3 mm



The upper part of the software includes all the main controls in a ribbon format. These controls are grouped by family: capture controls, file controls, buffer controls, M2 controls and data computations. The last includes very useful filters and a normalizing function.


The left-hand side of the software is the display panel. Four displays are available: 3D, 2D, XY (cross-sectional graphs along the crosshairs) and beam tracking. The desired display is selected by clicking on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the panel. Print screen controls are available for the 3D, 2D and beam tracking displays. They allow the user to save an image of the current view in BMP format.


The right-hand side of the software contains the home, setup and data acquisition tabs. The home tab allows the user to select the main controls for his measurements (beam diameter definition, crosshair center and orientation) and displays the resulting measurements below. The setup tab allows the user to set the measurement parameters (exposure time, image orientation and averaging, active area, etc.) and the data acquisition tab allows the user to save measurements or measurements and full images, to enter the sampling rates and a total duration for the acquisition. More tabs with advanced controls are available when clicking on the show/hide options button in the computations panel.



The 3D display shows the actual shape of the beam. It is possible to easily zoom, pan and rotate the image. The very useful reset button allows to put the data back in its original configuration. This display also features a print screen button to save the latest image in BMP format.


The 2D display features the crosshairs (set to the major and minor axis or along specified angles) and the measured diameters of the beam. These diameters vary with the chosen definition (4-sigma, FWHM, 1/e2, etc.) and the display can be turned on or off. The print screen button allows to save a picture of the current screen in BMP format.


The XY display plots cross-sectional graphs of the beam along the crosshairs. This display features many useful tools like zoom, cursor, and FWHM and 1/e2 level bars. It is also possible to display the graphs in semi-log format to enhance the details in the low intensity parts of the beam.


The beam tracking display allows the user to visualize the variation of the beam's centroid position on the sensor. This display shows the latest calculated position as well as the previous ones, until the user resets the view. The display also shows the mean position of all computed values and gives information regarding position stability for both X and Y axes. This tool is great to monitor the beam pointing stability over time.

관련 영상

모든 동영상

필요한 호환 제품


Adaptor from USB-A to USB-C, for INTEGRA (USB) and BEAMAGE series.

가격: $30
추가 정보


Fiber optic adaptor FC/PC with SM1 external thread. For: XLP12, UP10, IS12, UP25, PH, PE, UM, QE8, THZ9D, BEAMAGE-4M. Al...

가격: $163
추가 정보


Fiber optic adaptor SMA with SM1 external thread. For: XLP12, UP10, IS12, UP25, PH, PE, UM, QE8, THZ9D, BEAMAGE-4M. Also...

가격: $160
추가 정보


Fiber optic adaptor ST with SM1 external thread. For: XLP12, UP10, IS12, UP25, PH, PE, UM, QE8, THZ9D, BEAMAGE-4M. Also ...

가격: $160
추가 정보


SM1 홀더의 6 ND 필터 세트: ND0.5, ND1.0, ND2.0, ND3.0, ND4.0, ND5.0.

가격: $920
추가 정보

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