Accessories and filters for BEAMAGE beam profilers
사용자 매뉴얼
Accessories and filters for beam diagnostics
- 8.0
- 영어
BEAMAGE용 카메라 렌즈: 25mm 초점거리.
A simple solution is offered to those who need to profile beams that are larger than the BEAMAGE sensor. This solution is a beam reducing optical component called CAMERA LENS.
The camera lenses in the CL series work by indirectly imaging the reflection or transmission of the beam after it has hit a diffusing element. For larger beams, simply increase the distance between the diffuser and the BEAMAGE.
The CL series is C-mount threaded so you can mount it directly on the BEAMAGE camera.
빔 프로파일링 카메라
빔 프로파일링 카메라
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