Accessories and filters for BEAMAGE beam profilers
사용자 매뉴얼
Accessories and filters for beam diagnostics
- 8.0
- 영어
BEAMAGE용 UV 컨버터: 23mm 구경, 다양한 수정 사용가능.
The BSF series transforms wavelengths contained between X-rays and 400 nm to visible and near-IR wavelengths.
The magnification properties allow you to image beams that are larger than the sensor.
Built with an iris at the output port for a control of the exposure on the CMOS sensor.
Removable extension tube that is easily fixed onto the entrance port of the BEAMAGE camera.
빔 프로파일링 카메라
빔 프로파일링 카메라
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You might need these specific products to be able to use the placeholder only.
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