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최대 140μW의 파워 계측용 아날로그 모듈이 내장된 테라헤르츠 검출기.
Broadband, room temperature operation, easier to use and less expensive than a Golay cell
With state of the art pyroelectric sensors, measure down to 100 nW.
Plug the head directly to your oscilloscope or lock-in amplifier.
Includes 9V battery and AC power eliminator
THZ-I-BNC detectors are calibrated at a single wavelength (0.63 µm) and include typical wavelength correction data from 0.25 to 440 µm. They are used for relative measurements outside that range.
Interchangeable window for use with THZ-B and THZ-I-BNC detectors. Various materials available. Contact us for full list...
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