Embedded PC interface for power & energy measurement. Can only be purchased as a detector output option.


Traceable calibration:

Logo nist

Ключевые особенности семейства продуктов


The INTEGRA is a meterless line of all-in-one detectors that combine a detector and a meter in one convenient product.


The small but powerful meter of the INTEGRA series presents a direct USB or RS-232 connection so you can plug it into your PC or acquisition system.


Simply use the PC-Gentec-EO software supplied with your product and be ready to make power or energy measurements within seconds! 


Each detector of the INTEGRA series offers the same incredible performance as the usual detector and meter combination, from pW to kW and from fJ to J. And the good news is that all our most popular products are available with the INTEGRA option.


With the latest firmware update (V1.01.04), MIRO ALTITUDE is now compatible with Gentec-EO's INTEGRA (USB) series.

All-in-One Detector + Meter

Plug your detectors directly into your PC with the INTEGRA embedded monitor. 3 models available:

  • USB output (-INT)
  • RS-232 output (-IDR)
  • USB with 0-2V external trigger (-INE)

Incredible Performance

INTEGRA detectors offer the same performance as the usual detector + monitor combination.

Compact Size

Perfect for the lab, OEM applications and field servicing. No need to carry a meter!

Lower Recalibration Costs

One product = one calibration. Reduce your recalibration costs by half!

Universal Software & Serial Commands

Control your INTEGRA detector with our user-friendly software or use serial commands to operate it with your own software. This allows the INTEGRA series to also be operated under LINUX or directly from a PLC.

Совместимость детектора

Связанные продукты


    Touchscreen display device for power & energy measurement. Single-channel.

Характеристики контроллера и графического интерфейса

  • Размер цифрового экрана

    Computer screen
  • Внешний триггер

    For "INE" models only
  • Передача данных в реальном времени

    Power: 6.7 Hz, Energy: 5.2 kHz via USB, 200 Hz via RS-232
  • Последовательные команды через

    USB (for "INT" models) or RS-232 (for "IDR" & "INE" models)

Характеристики измерителя мощности

  • Диапазон мощности

    4 pW - 30 kW
  • Точность устройства

    ±2.5 %
  • Статистика

    Current value, max, min, average, standard deviation, RMS & PTP stability, time
  • Время отклика

    Current value, max, min, average, standard deviation, RMS & PTP stability, time

Характеристики измерителя энергии

  • Диапазон энергии

    2 fJ to 30 kJ
  • Точность устройства

    3 % (<5.2 kHz)
  • Передача данных в реальном времени

    5.2 kHz via USB, 200 Hz via RS-232
  • Статистика

    Current value, max, min, average, standard deviation, RMS & PTP stability, pulse #, repetition rate and average power


All-in-One Detector + Meter

Plug your detectors directly into your PC with the INTEGRA embedded monitor. 3 models available:

  • USB output (-INT)
  • RS-232 output (-IDR)
  • USB with 0-2V external trigger (-INE)

Optional INTEGRA (USB or RS-232) output

When you choose the INTEGRA output option you get an all-in-one measurement instrument that combines both the detector and the meter in one convenient product. Plug the detector in your PC, install our free software and start measuring.

Why choose it?

  • The most cost-efficient solution
  • Same measurement performance as our other solutions
  • No compromise on interface functions and features
  • Compact solution for OEM applications and field servicing
  • Save money on recalibration with an all-in-one instrument

Use it with our included PC-Gentec-EO software

Read your measurements directly on your PC thanks to our free proprietary software PC-Gentec-EO. The software supports the following product series: P-LINK, HP, INTEGRA, U-LINK, and MAESTRO.


  • Practical displays: real-time, scope, needle, averaging, histogram, and statistics
  • Useful features such as data logging and correction factors
  • Many statistics available: current value, average value, maximum value, minimum value, RMS stability, PTP stability, repetition rate, average power, and STD deviation


Learn more



Traceable calibration provides the ability to trace the readings of laser output measurements to known international measurement standards determined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This ensures that the measurements taken by the instruments are reliable and accurate.

Benefits include:

  • Make valid comparisons of measurements taken by other instruments inside and outside your organization and over time
  • Comply with regulations or conform to industry standards
  • Avoid costly measurement mistakes in your operations
  • Improve customer confidence in your laser systems
  • Ensure laboratory experiment validity
  • Demonstrate measurement accuracy easily with the calibration certificate we provide

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