Physics department of Bridgewater University won a BEAMAGE-4M for its labs
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
The physics department of Bridgewater University participated in the Gentec-EO Laser Lab Awards and won! Their prize? A BEAMAGE-4M camera-based laser beam profiler.
We recently received news from them and wanted to share that with our blog readers. So far, the BEAMAGE-4M was used in the following lab experiments and classes:
They found the BEAMAGE-4M to be extremely useful for the students.
Here are some interesting pictures of the BEAMAGE-4M being used in real lab setups.
In their fiber optics course:
A student using the BEAMAGE-4M in a research project:
Experimental physics setup:
Prof. Deveney using the BEAMAGE-4M:
Looks like our BEAMAGE-4M serves a great purpose! If you could use one too, make sure to participate at the next Laser Lab Awards to get a chance to win one or get in touch with our representatives to purchase one.