What’s new at Gentec-EO in May 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Below are the latest pieces of news from Gentec-EO in May 2022
Following its recent launch of integrating sphere laser power detector series, Gentec-EO now adds another model of fast laser power detectors, the IS50A-1KW-RSI. Probably the most remarkable feature of this detector is its typical rise time of just 0.2 second which means you get your high-accuracy measurement extremely fast compared to any other high-power detectors available on the market.
The BA32-1KW is enabling technology that allows camera-based beam profiling for high power lasers. This water-cooled beam splitter is ideal for inline beam profiling in a variety of high-power applications, from military to industrial materials processing and R&D.
A new version of our PC-BEAMAGE software was just released! V1.07.00 includes many changes and improvements, especially in regards to M2 measurement. You can download this latest update on our website here.
Ensure you purchase the most optimal solution for your measurement needs with this checklist.
Download it now, it's helpful and free!
These products were discontinued this month. We will continue to support them for many years. We invite all customers who were interested in BEAMAGE-3.0 to consider BEAMAGE-4M and customers interested in BEAMAGE-3.0-IR to consider BEAMAGE-4M-IR.
We have new videos on Gentec-EO Academia, our Youtube channel. Make sure to visit our Youtube channel and subscribe so you can see all the videos we publish.
Using high power lasers? In need of fast, continuous, calibrated measurement of your visible and NIR laser power with high damage thresholds in laser power density, and laser energy density? This video is for you! In this video, Félicien Legrand, US/Canada Sales Manager at Gentec-EO, introduces our integrating sphere laser power detectors, our IS series.
In this video, Myriam Blanchet, US/Canada Inside Sales Representative at Gentec-EO, discusses an important topic in laser power measurement: the ideal beam size for your detector.
In this video, Félicien Legrand, US/Canada Sales Manager at Gentec-EO, introduces our BA series. Not only does it measure your laser beam profile, but it can also measure your laser power at the same time, in-line, without any interruption of your processes. Let's get into it!
PC-BEAMAGE software was update to version 1.07.00. There are many new improvements in this version. You can read about it here.
Gentec-EO releases a new technical note this month titled “Measuring laser power with the IS series: A versatile solution with fast response”. You can download it here.
If you went to tradeshows this month, you may have met with our representatives during Photonics North, CLEO or RAPID + TCT. We share some photos below.
Ahmed Rihane, sales engineer, and Myriam Blanchet inside sales representative, from Gentec-EO went to RAPID + TCT in Detroit this month to showcase our technology.
Ahmed Rihane, sales engineer, and Myriam Blanchet inside sales representative, at Photonics North 2022 in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Here is the list of upcoming events Gentec-EO’s representatives or official distributors will be at:
Our full event schedule can be found here.
At all time, you can visit our virtual booth: https://booth.gentec-eo.com/
Below are the latest articles we published. If you didn’t read them yet, don’t wait any longer: