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Scientific community

Chosen by the scientific community and well-known universities

Our products in scientific research

Gentec-EO's measurement products are regularly used to conduct scientific research all around the world. Our products are mentioned in several well-known scientific publications such as:

You can actually find over 6,800 user cases of our laser beam measurement products in Google Scholar alone.

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Trusted by major universities

Countless universities use Gentec-EO's products for academic uses.

Highly specialized laboratories count on Gentec-EO's measurement accuracy

Our laser beam measurement products are used in most major laser research centers in the world, such as:

Our custom calorimeters are also used in national laboratories, such as:

Chosen by National Standards laboratories

We have developed custom detectors with the lowest noise and most stable, temperature-controlled response for metrology labs around the world. Our products are used as transfer standards for spectral calibration of optical and infrared detectors from 250 nm to 24 μm.

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Let us guide you in selecting the best laser beam measurement products for your application.  You only need to answer 3 simple questions about your laser.

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